If you wanted to be in the running for a prize Sunday you could do a second page of something you enjoyed to do as a child. I loved looking through my old pictures and reminiscing. I used a Sketchy Thursday Sketch Jan 21st for this particular sketch. The photos are of me while in elementary school where I played softball. I actually played softball all up through high school. I did not play in high school itself but rather for a county league at that point. I titled this page softball star however it is a joke. I loved to play but was not spectacular by any means. But as you can see on my journaling I had fun and that is what mattered most. Thanks for looking!
Someone asked awhile back for ideas on how to store their Stickles. I have heard you store them upside down but I do not and have never had any problems with them. I purchased this tiered stand from a Home & Garden party if I remember correctly. but it holds my Stickles, Shimmerz, Glimmer Mist, Maya Mist, Primas, etc. I love it!
Now as far as scripture goes I have had this to post for awhile but have had a rotten past week that will deserve another post at another time. Let's just say my word of 2010 "reflect" has come in handy. Let me suffice to say that the Lord brought this scripture to me at a time like this. He knows his plans for me. And thank goodness I can take comfort in that. It is his will not my own. Here is my SEEKING SCRIPTURE part 2:
"My daughter, you are my workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. I've already prepared you in advance for everything I've planned especially for you to do." Ephesians 2:10
I feel so blessed that I have a father who loves me unconditionally. What an honor that he is using me as part of his master plan. And despite the ugly things that are going on in todays society he makes good from it. I don't have to see it to believe it. That my dear is FAITH!!