Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another week in the word

Isn't that the struggle we will always face?   Battling with our human flesh?  Thinking we fall under the Law?   We must receive the grace and the love that God has for us.  None of us deserve anything that HE has to give.  What a blessing to read Galatians with She Reads Truth this past week again.  Knowing Paul's history and how he has turned his life around and shares with others the true, loving God.  There is still so much for me to learn from the Word.

I am also doing the Unglued Bible Study being hosted by Melissa Taylor online.  As I read this I feel about to become Unglued by the perils of raising a tweenager.  Just in the first two chapters I have learned it is okay to have emotion but don't let it control you.  If you place positive thoughts in place of those feelings of anger that over time it will become more natural to respond without an outburst of yelling.  I have always thought that was the only time I could get my daughter was to yell.  I have always used the Three Strikes rule.  First I ask nicely, then I ask, then I ask and tell you the ramifications of not being obedient.  I would like to sit here and tell you that it only took three times.   My goal is me asking once with instant obedience but we are far from there.  I am giving this problem to God.   I am asking that he touch her heart and those of her friends.  I am asking that God give me patience and ability to listen to his still, small voice when I think all hope is lost.  I can do ALL things through Christ!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

She Reads Truth

Yes I have been digging deep in His word.  It is amazing what spiritual discernment you can attain when you stay connected to your Father.  I have just completed Proverbs study via She Reads Truth but had gotten behind and had to play catch up.  A few days ago we started Galatians.  I love that Paul attempts to bring the churches back to reality.  How easy it is to change your mindset and think that certain things around you are hunky dory for lack of a better word.   Or here is a even better one..... to think that if you just ignore a problem it will go away.  God has really been pressing on my heart a family matter.  Something I know I need to deal with but I continually try to sweep it under the rug.   But I am learning that my "Ignorance is not bliss."    I HEAR YOU GOD!  

Galatians 1: 6-7 "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all.  Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ."

People who I have always looked up to spiritually are not handling matters as God commands us.   It is not for me to judge them.  It is disappointing but we all fall short of God's glory.   I pray that God will give them a restorative heart, a forgiving heart, a loving heart.  I know they are good people.   They just need to tune in and hear the voice of God.

I have really enjoyed the She Reads Truth bible studies.   The wisdom that these ladies have and share blow me away at times.  I am so thankful that they can give me a fresh take on his Word.  I love that God is using them to draw me even closer to him.

As an aside I just got back a couple days ago from Hatteras Island in North Carolina.  So much of the destruction that I witnessed last year has vanished.  I cherished the time with my parents, aunts, and uncles and leave you with a couple of pictures.

These "snapping turtles" were in the little pond in front of our house.    There were several of them and they swam towards the walkway when they heard people on them.  The seemed to look up at you which was kind of neat.
 Emma and I were just walking and decided to walk to the beach.   She didn't even have a bathing suit on but I let her jump in the water nonetheless.   She had a blast.
 We drove to Nags Head to shop at Tanger Outlets while the men fished at Jennette's Pier.  We met them at the pier as we finished up shopping.  The pier has really changed over the years.   It was beautiful!
 Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was beautiful on Wednesday.  The cloudiness of the day made a beautiful backdrop for photographing the lighthouse.
 Emma and I after climbing to the top of the lighthouse.  It was more rigorous than I anticipated.  And yes I have made an appointment with Clairol.  :(
 Love the dynamics of this picture of the interior of the lighthouse.
 My favorite thing to do while in Hatteras is fish.  Although I love surf fishing, particularly at The Point fishing on the bridge near Oregon Inlet has always been more successful for me.  Such a relaxing time. There were several dolphin swimming in the area.   The magnitude of God's creativity never ceases to amaze me.

"You alone are the Lord.  You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them.  You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.  "  Nehemiah 9:6 (NIV)