Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trials and Tribulation

Satan has really been throwing some stuff at me lately. Or I guess I should say God is giving me some experiences to make me stronger. But sometimes I feel so weak! I dare not get into details. I just have been getting on my knees talking to my Abba. Listening to his guidance. Seeking his face. Reading his word. I will get through this and be a stronger person! Thanks for you all being my friends.


Angela L. said...

Your friends love you and believe in you! Don't forget that we are here if and when you may need us in your journey.

*Heather said...

Praying for you today and that God will give you His peace in what you are going through right now!

Elizabeth said...

Going to God and allowing him to hold you is something that I feel we all should be doing. I am praying for you that whatever you are going through that God continually shows you his face time and time again.

Just a Simple Gal - Judy in Huntsville - AL said...

Hey Lisa girl! Praying for you - God knows better than me what's going on with you and I claim His scripture that He will prepare a way for you - I've seen it in my own life SO OFTEN this year. HAng in there and know that others are lifting you up! ~

Just a Simple Gal - Judy in Huntsville - AL said...

Hey Lisa girl! Praying for you - God knows better than me what's going on with you and I claim His scripture that He will prepare a way for you - I've seen it in my own life SO OFTEN this year. HAng in there and know that others are lifting you up! ~

Just a Simple Gal - Judy in Huntsville - AL said...

Hey Lisa girl! Praying for you - God knows better than me what's going on with you and I claim His scripture that He will prepare a way for you - I've seen it in my own life SO OFTEN this year. HAng in there and know that others are lifting you up! ~

All That Chit Chat said...

Hi there! I'm so glad that we're going to be together on the 2008 Design Team at FBP. Abundant blessings to you!

JackieAnn said...

hi Lisa...sending hugs and looking forward to working with you on the design team =) JackieAnn~